The year's most outstanding event has been the opening and dedication of the school Memorial Gates, little more than an idea this time last year. The result of much hard—and rapid—work has been a memorial of which the school may be proud. To match the gates the entire length of the school boundaries has been tidied, and flower-beds add considerably to the appearance of the school. The new science wing is, of course, still nebulous, but Mr. Fox's Maths sets have been conspicuously marking out the plans on the grass horrifyingly close to the Pavilion rugby pitch.

The other major visible change was the appearance of both the R.N. Section and the Corps of Drums. Mr. Tompsett has taken over the Naval Section, assuming the rank of Lieutenant. As for the Corps of Drums, Drum-Major Pinkham did an excellent job, with some help from Sgt. Skellon from the Barracks. This year's school play was produced bv Mr. Tompsett, who distinguished himself by his all-round abilities, not only in dramatics, but in most other school activities. The review of Shaw's "The Devil's Disciple" will be found in this issue.

An interesting interruption ot school activities was the celebration of Dorchester's French Week, marking the town's twinning with Bayeux. At the exhibition held at the Corn Exchange, the School was quite well represented, and in particular, the map of South England and North France showing the links between the towns, was appreciated. This was constructed in the school woodwork shop. In addition, many Hardyeans found themselves attending trade stands. At one stage, even the Editor, who has a decided Arts bias, could be found demonstrating the uses of radio-activity!

A second highly-popular interruption came during the petrol shortage, when Saturday-morning school had to be temporarily cancelled. With the exception ot Treves house, who were firmly imprisoned by the House Prefects, the School was abandoned for each week-end of the latter half of the Spring term. Many optimists were disappointed when the Summer term saw the resumption of the normal School timetable.

The decision to hold Sports Day during the Spring term met with a mixed reception. Fears about the weather were fortunately unjustified, but those who forecast that it would cause a lack of enthusiasm for the Standards' competition were proved correct. The Lower School retained their customary practice with more satisfactory results.

In the academic world, we have held our own. One State Scholarship was gained, in addition to 15 Dorset County Major Scholarships. An RAF and a Royal Naval Scholarship were awarded, in addition to two Sandhurst, two Cranwell, and two Dartmouth Cadetships. Nineteen University places were offered—though not all were taken up—ten of which were at Birmingham. Next year should see a formidable Old Hardyean's Club in Birmingham, and we shall expect to hear from them. It has also been suggested that the several Old Hardyeans in South Africa find some way of communicating, particularly those who went out to join the Southern Rhodesian police.

In connection with The Durnovarian itself, the Committee have for the last two issues been hampered by the unavoidable maximum expenditure of £90. Such a figure may sound large, but soon dwindles. If we wish to reach a higher standard—and it is to be hoped that we do—certain "emergency" measures may have to be taken!

Finally, it is with regret that we record Mr. Sewell's resignation as Editor, owing to the pressure of responsibilities in the Lower School. It is primarily due to his initiative that the Magazine has been revived. The School cannot be said to have given him the support that he deserves. His departure leaves the Staff for the moment unrepresented on the Committee, a situation which we are assured will be remedied before the next issue.



The Staff suffered a great loss in the death of Mr. Steemson, and while this is discussed elsewhere, we feel we must recall his gentlemanly nature and his lovable eccentricity which made him respected by all with whom he came in contact.

We were sorry to hear of Mr. Lidbury's serious illness, which was a heavy blow so soon after his retirement. Fortunately he is now progressing well and we wish him a speedy and complete recovery.

The School was honoured early in the year by Mr. Thomas's election to the Aldermanic bench of the Town Council. Shortly afterwards he was chosen as Mayor, and several of the Staff and the prefects attended the traditional Mayor-making ceremony in the Town Hall. Alderman Thomas presided over the French Week celebrations, and has since visited Bayeux in his official capacity. We know how much he has enjoyed these functions; may the rest of the year be as pleasant.

At Advent Mr. Willis was ordained as a deacon at a service in Salisbury cathedral, and is now licensed to the Vicar of Charminster for work in the Rural Deanery.

This year marks Mr. Mann's retirement from the active administration of school games. During the war he was primarily responsible for the continuation of games at a time when staff difficulties were acute, and he carried out the task with his customary thoroughness. Since then he has always been most helpful and co-operative in the running of all games.

Apart from Mr. Lidbury, who has received special mention, we said farewell to Miss Hill, who with characteristic sympathy left to take care of a sick brother, and to Mr. Brookfield who has taken up a post in the Rhodesian Federation. We wish them both good fortune in the future. We should also thank Mr. Watkin and Mrs. Hunt for their timely assistance.

We welcomed a whole bevy of new staff:
Mr. H. A. Berry, B.A. (Oxon.), Middle and Upper School History, Resident House Tutor at Heathcote.
Mr. J. A. Bristow, B.A. (Cantab.), Upper School Chemistry, succeeds Mr. Brookfield, i/c School Cross-Country.
Mr. H. G. H. Kenion, Middle School Science.
Mr. A. A. Lambart, B.A. (Cantab.), Middle and Upper School Classics, Resident House Tutor at South Field.
Mr. R. R. Rogers, M.A. (Oxon.), Middle School Mathematics, P/O in R.A.F. Section of the C.C.F.
Mr. R. Tompsett, M.A. (Oxon.), Middle School History, Lt.-Comdr., R.N.V.R., now i/c R.N. Section of C.C.F.; Director of Music.



Winter came in like a lion with a wet blustering roar. But the flagging spirits at Wollaston were kept up by the cheerfulness of Mr. Tompsett who joined us from Kelly College. We hoped that his stay would be a long one, but alas, the Main School has claimed him as Director of Music. We wish him every success. Our loss is their gain, though we do see glimpses of his Navy gold braid flitting through our premises on Tuesdays. The other newcomer to our Staff was Mr. J. A. Bristow from Cambridge. Mr. Bristow soon found a place in our esteem by his unstinted efforts on behalf of the boys, both in school and on the running track. Junior Science can seldom have been so interesting, and it is with great regret that we found that he also was to be claimed by the main school for Sixth Form Chemistry.

Our carol service was held in St. Peter's Church and was well supported by parents and friends.

The Easter term saw the severance of a very strong link with the Junior School. The last of the originals who started Wollaston in 1947, except the Master-in-Charge, left us. Miss Hill had to go quite suddenly to help her brother in London. A connection of some twenty years is not very easily broken and Miss Hill left with our sincere good wishes for her future happiness. Mrs. Hunt nobly stepped into the breach at very short notice and although a mathematician by training, tackled the English with a zest and enthusiasm which was soon sensed and adopted by the boys.

We have been most fortunate this year in receiving from well-wishers two more cups. Mr. Humphries presented a cup for Rugby Football and Mr. White for Cricket. These were competed for on a House League basis with the two top teams playing off. At Rugby Football Treves proved rather too much of a team for Hodges, who, though possessing individual stars like Ross-Mackenzie, were rather outplayed. The Cricket Cup is dealt with in the Cricket Notes.

For Sports Day this year, the weather let us down. Continuous rain for days before let up a little on the morning and a decision was made to go through with the programme. The weather then decided to show what it could do. In spite of this Col. R. B. Greenwood, O.B.E., the Chief Constable of Dorset, had some very sound common sense on sportsmanship to pass on to the boys and Mrs. Greenwood graciously presented the Trophies. Treves won the Marks Athletic Cup.

We were more fortunate for Commemoration Day and the weather was fine and warm. The Rev. M. H. Garner gave the address at the Commemoration Service and his cheerful, sensible approach was very much appreciated. Prizes were distributed by Major Thomas, Commander of the Dorset's Depot. After an invasion from the Navy and R.A.F. at the Main School, it was refreshing to have a breath of the Army with us. Major Thomas spoke in a convincing and cheerful way on the theme of adventure, and his remarks were received with enthusiasm by all. We attempted to have our "Open Day" after the Prize-Giving, but this cannot be counted a success, and we shall not try it again.

Finally, any Old Boys whom this reaches will be sorry to learn that the rather lovely Beech tree which was at the corner of the playground, has had to be felled because it was deemed unsafe. We had two tremendous bonfires to burn up the small brushwood and that which was suitable for logs was put on one side. An Old Boy, Mr. David Foot of Bincombe kindly lent us a tractor and throughout the weekend the air was punctuated with the noise of the saw, as logs tumbled onto a growing heap. The large bowl of the tree was tackled at a later date, by the Governors. Sir Thomas Salt arrived with a band saw and cut the trunk into smaller pieces and later Mr. Cecil Pope demonstrated the power of his "blowing-up apparatus". Certain parts of the trunk resisted these attacks and they remain on the playground as a pleasant centre of climbing and jumping which is enjoyed by all. Long may they remain out of the fire-place.



Charles H. Steemson

The sudden death of Charles H. Steemson on June 22nd at the age of 59 came as a great shock to his colleagues on the staff and to present and past pupils, as well as to his many friends in the town. During his eighteen years of unstinted service to the school he had endeared himself to masters and boys alike. He joined the teaching staff in 1939 as Senior Classics Master, having gained most of his teaching experience in Preparatory Schools. It is not generally known that before going up to Oxford to study for his degree, he had already seen active service during World War I as a young army captain, and had been severely gassed during hostilities. World War II saw him serving as a member of the Auxiliary Fire Service in Dorchester.

He was an inspiring teacher and, a man of considerable histrionic ability, he brought his talents to bear in the classroom; his delightful sense of humour enlivened many a Latin lesson as well as the masters' common room. He was affectionately known as "Steamboat".

He also gave his services freely outside the classroom, being master in charge of the junior cricket for many years, and was never happier than when he was coaching his beloved 'Colts'. Indeed, it was after umpiring a cricket match that he collapsed, and it may truly be said that he died 'in harness'. As House master of Pope House he had the welfare of his charges continually at heart, and took a fatherly interest in them. His stentorian voice as announcer on Sports Day and his amusing asides will be long remembered. Himself an actor of no mean order, he not only played leading roles in the town amateur dramatics, founding the famous Friday Club which produced such plays as "The Barretts of Wimpole Street" and "The Lady's Not For Burning", but was also Chairman of the School Dramatic Society, and his able direction contributed largely to the success of such school productions as "Zeal of Thy House" and "Christ's Comet".

Amongst his out-of-school activities he took an active part in church work, and was a sidesman and bell-ringer at St. George's, Fordington.

A man of many and varied interests, he never spared himself in the service of others. His loss will be deeply mourned by all who knew him.



Numerous presentations made to Mr. D. S. Lidbury at the end of last Spring Term were tokens of esteem. In bidding him farewell we feel we have lost an institution, for none can recall a time when he was not among us.

As a boy Mr. Lidbury went to Lord Weymouth's Grammar School, Warminster. He held general and Honours degrees of the University of London. After teaching for a time at Pannal Ash College he came to Hardye's (then Dorchester Grammar School, South Street) and in his subsequent 42 years here he has been a housemaster, Commanding Officer of the O.T.C., and became Second Master one year after Mr. R. W. Hill's appointment as headmaster in 1927. As Senior English master he was for many years editor of The Durnovarian, and also School Librarian.

He has served the town as well as the school. During the war, with its attendant difficulties and responsibilities within the school, Mr. Lidbury was a Civil Defence warden and a fire guard.

He has been churchwarden at All Saints' Church for 21 years, and is chairman of the Parochial Church Council. He has read the lesson regularly for a longer time than most parishioners can remember. He is also vice-chairman of the managing board of Dorchester's C. of E. schools.

In all these tasks his service, distinguished by patience, loyalty, and meticulous attention to detail, coincided with a period of rapid progress and expansion. Mr. Hill, in referring to his work said:

"I have never ceased to be thankful that Mr. Lidbury showed to me the utmost loyalty, and became a stern and staunch friend, and that he remained throughout the whole of my period as headmaster".

Mr. Hill also testified to his sound judgment, his capacity for doing a task thoroughly, and his Christian conscience. To the boys of the school the present headmaster, Mr. A. N. Hamilton, made similar observations, emphasizing in particular Mr. Lidbury's sincerity and integrity.

Many generations of Hardyeans, remembering his genial warmth, and humanity, will say "He is a man, take him for all in all".

May he enjoy, with Mrs. Lidbury, a long and happy retirement.


Other years of "The Durnovarian"
